Game Rules
Teams compete to score points by correctly recognizing images on cards. Each card has a point value based on the number of words in its name. For example, if the card is "Dragon Fruit," it's worth 2 points—1 point for "Dragon" and 1 point for "Fruit." Incorrect or unrelated answers (e.g., "Skittles") earn 0 points.
Setting Up The Game
Form teams—teams don't need to have equal numbers. Each team can use any writing tools they have available (pen and paper, dry erase marker with whiteboard, or your phone) to document answers and keep score.
The Game Round
Note: These rules apply slightly differently for physical and digital versions of the game:
- •Physical Version: Use physical cards placed face-up, with answers on the back
- •Digital Version: Images appear on screen, with answers revealed by scrolling
1. View the Rekog image
- • Physical: Place the card face-up on the table
- • Digital: The image will appear on your screen
2. Each team examines the image
- a) The maximum number of words a team can write down is specified with the image
- b) There is no required time limit, but you can set one if you want
- c) Teams can discuss answers quietly to avoid giving away answers
- 3. Everyone reveals answers simultaneously
4. Check the correct answer
- • Physical: Flip the card to reveal the answer
- • Digital: Scroll down to see the correct answer
- 5. Adjust scores based on correct or incorrect guesses
Calculating Scores
After each round, update your score based on correct answers. Each word in the card's name is worth 1 point. Only correctly spelled words count, but you can ignore spaces, special characters, and punctuation.
Example: Correct Answer: Dragon Fruit
- • Dragon Fruit = ✅ 2 points
- • DragonFruit = ✅ 2 points
- • Dragon = ✅ 1 point
- • Dragon Fruits = ✅ 1 point
- • Drogon = ❌ 0 points
Bonus Stage
When you've completed 7 rounds of standard play, the 3-round Bonus Stage begins.
In the 3-round Bonus Stage, teams can wager points before guessing. Teams should decide whether to wager Blindly (before seeing the card) or Informed (after seeing the card) before starting the game or before starting the Bonus Stage.
During the Bonus Stage:
- • Only complete answers earn points
- • Partial answers lose wagered points
- • Correct answers add wagered points
- • Incorrect answers subtract wagered points
Teams are encouraged to discuss their guesses, but be careful not to speak too loudly, as it might give away answers to the other teams. Hint: use writing utensils to share potential answers with your team without speaking them outloud to other teams.
Ready to Play?
Now that you know the rules, gather your team and start playing Rekog!