🚧 Rekog is currently in Beta. We're working hard to make it even better!Share your feedback

Our Mission & Values

Our Mission

To create engaging experiences that bring people together through the joy of discovery and recognition, while fostering a community that values and supports creative work.

Our Core Values

Community First

We believe in building and nurturing a community that celebrates creativity, learning, and friendly competition. Every game of Rekog is an opportunity to bring people together and create lasting memories.

Creative Recognition

We're committed to properly attributing and celebrating the work of creators. The images in our game come from talented photographers and artists who deserve recognition for their contributions.

Supporting Creators

When you play Rekog, you're not just enjoying a game – you're experiencing the work of talented creators from around the world. We encourage our players to:

  • Visit our Credits page to discover the photographers and artists behind our images
  • Follow creators whose work you enjoy on their respective platforms
  • Support the platforms that host these creators, such as Wikimedia Commons, Library of Congress, Unsplash, Pexels, and others
  • Share your favorite discoveries with others who might appreciate their work

Our Platform Partners

We're proud to work with platforms that support and empower creators:

  • Kahana: Our digital platform partner, providing the technology that makes our online experience possible.Visit Kahana →
  • Image Platforms: We source our images from respected platforms that fairly compensate and credit creators. See ourCredits pagefor a full list of our partners.

AI & Design Acknowledgments

We're grateful for the innovative platforms that helped shape Rekog:

  • AI Assistance: Our development process was enhanced by ChatGPT, Claude, and Cursor AI, which helped us refine our ideas and improve our implementation.
  • Design Tools: Canva's creative platform enabled us to craft engaging visual elements that enhance the game experience.

Support Open Knowledge

Many of the images in Rekog come from Wikimedia Commons, a free media repository that's part of the Wikimedia Foundation. Their mission to share knowledge freely aligns perfectly with our values.

Help keep knowledge free and accessible for everyone by supporting Wikimedia Commons.

Donate to Wikimedia Commons

Discover Our Community

Learn more about the creators, platforms, and partners that make Rekog possible, and discover how we're building a community that celebrates open knowledge.